Release notes 2017.06.06
Clips for subusers When adjusting the number of templates for a user in the backend of the system, templates were disconnected from subusers. We now fixed in the system that the templates will stay in the subuser accounts. Click here for more information about templates for subusers. Seconds correctly displayed When creating a playlist you have the option to set a time per clip which determines from and till what time the clip must play. In the pop-up that displays when filling in this times, the seconds were displayed as ss instead of 00. We changed this, so it displays 00 now. Length playlist With displaying the duration of the playlist in the manage playlist section, the duration wasn’t shown correctly when the playlist was scheduled for multiple players. The duration was multiplied by the number of players that is was scheduled on. This problem is now resolved in the system, so the correct duration is shown. New tickets on dashboard When you get a reply on a support ticket that you sent, you can see a number displayed on the ticket button on your dashboard which lets you know you have a new message. It appeared that this number would not go away when you read the ticket. This is now fixed, so you won’t see the number anymore when you opened the ticket. Click here for more information about support tickets. Selecting colors in color tool Creation Station In the color tool in the Creation Station there is an option to make the color block transparant. However, when you used this, all color blocks in that step were turned transparant as well. We seperated this now, so only the color block where you select transparant will turn transparant.New features:
Live preview when creating widget From now on when creating a widget, you can see a live preview on the right of the Creation Station. This way you see directly how your widget will turn out after creating it. When you change a field while creating the widget, the preview is automatically refreshed and will show the current information. This function is only available for widgets. You can recognize widgets by their status in the clip library on the right; when the status says ‘widget’, it is a widget. Click here for more information about the Creation Station.
Release notes 2017.05.17
Switch between portrait and lanscape when creating playlist It was possible to change the oriëntation of your playlist after you already added clips to it by clicking on the oriëntation button. This is now blocked, so you can only change the oriëntation when there are no clips in the playlist. Click here for more information about the different oriëntations.Search function manage playlists for single users The search function in the manage playlist section for single users wasn’t working as it should, so you didn’t get the correct results when filling in a search term. We solved this issue now. Search function player groups The search function in the overview of player groups was only working when you filled in complete words as a search term and not with parts of words. We changed this, so you can now directly find what you are looking for. Click here for more information about player groups. Preview portrait widgets With portrait widgets the preview in the clip library wasn’t alwasy shown upward. Sometimes it was shown tilted. From now on the widgets are shown upward. Click here for more information about the clip library. Showed player group options On the schedule page of the mainusers and subusers the created player groups are shown with their options. There was a problem with not showing the player group options if there were 9 options. We resolved this and the options are now always visible. Click here for more information about scheduling for mainusers and subusers. Preview widgets mixed up When previewing a playlist, some clips were shown mixed up. For example you could see a square in the preview that was part of the previous clip. On screen everything was shown correctly. We now made sure that the clips are not mixed up when previewing the playlist.
New features:
Notification size image and video In the Creation Station we added text to every field for uploading an image and video which says what the maximum amount of MB’s is that the file can be for uploading. Click here for more information about the Creation Station.
Release notes 2017.04.25
Loading icon at the bottom of new clip page On the new clip page there was an issue that the loading icon kept showing when you were at the bottom of the new clip page. We now made sure that the loading icon doesn’t appear when there is nothing to load. Click here for more information about the new clip page. Menu items displayed in codes In the left bar with menu items, sometimes the items were displayed incorrectly with codes. This issue is now resolved, so the menu items are always displayed correctly. Happening tickertape When using Happening in a tickertape, sometimes the content was not shown. The reason was an internal error. This is now fixed, so the Happening will be displayed in the tickertape again. Click here for more information about Happening tickertape. Portrait preview playlist With some template the thumbnail in the right top corner when previewing a playlist was displayed in landscape while it was portrait. We now made sure that the thumbnails of portrait clips are always displayed in portrait when previewing a playlist. Click here for more information about previewing a playlist.New features:
Change oriëntation of player in player management Before you could only change the oriëntation of your media player by unscheduling all the playlist from the media player that you wanted to change the oriëntation of. We inserted a new feature which makes it possible to change oriëntation of your media player in the media player section. When changing, you will receive a pop-up message which tells you the scheduling will be deactivated from this media player, because it is set for the current oriëntation. If you proceed, the oriëntation is changed and the playlists that were on the player are deactivated. Player groups There are some improvements for player groups when scheduling as mainuser or subuser: – The ordering of the player groups was based on the creation date of the player groups. We now changed that they are ordered alphabetically for a better overview. – We added a search bar when there are more than 10 player group options, so you can find the player group option you are searching for easily. – When you have a lot of player group options, you get a very long list where you have to scroll down. We improved this by adding the possibility to fold in or fold out the list by using the plus symbol. Click here for more information about player groups.
Release notes 2017.04.11
Notification wrong password When entering a wrong password when loggin in, sometimes the notification that your password is incorrect didn’t appear. We fixed this, so the message is visible when it should be. Preview playlist When playing a preview from a playlist, sometimes the clips got mixed up. Next to that the preview of a clip started with a screenshot of the clip and then the preview started playing from beginning till end. This issues are now resolved and previewing the playlist is again working as it should be. Click here for more information about previewing a playlist. Images Facebook Event In the Facebook Event template there were occasionally no images shown with the events. This is now working correctly again. Click here for more information about the Facebook Event template.New features:
Overview client devices in Partner Panel From now on it is possible to see all the hardware of your clients through the Partner Panel. You can find this, by selecting [Players] in your Partner Panel account and choose [Show devices clients] in the dropdown on the right. The hardware on the left is shown in red or green. If it is green, this means the hardware is online at this time and when it is red it means it is offline at this time. Click here for more information about the Partner Panel.Improvement security We looked at the possibilities to optimalize the security of the portal. To improve the security, we made some changes: – When a client loses their password, a new one can be requested by using the [forgot password?] button on the login screen. Support can still look along in the account of the users by using a different functionality in the backend. If an incorrect email is set in the account of the user, Support can change the email address in the account, so the user can receive the new password on this email address. – When changing a password for an account, the password must at least have one letter, one number and six characters in it. Show last modified clips In the clip library a column is added in the clip library where the last modified date of the clip is displayed. You can order on this column if you prefer this, by clicking on the column name. This way you can see the last modified clips on top. Click here for more information about the clip library.
Log messages older than one month deleted You can save messages in your log through the message settings. Only recent logs are interesting to see and that is why we built in that logs older than one month are automatically deleted. Click here for more information about the message centre and the log.
Release notes 2017.03.15
Export playlists When exporting playlists from the media player through the menu [Media players] –> [Export] there was an issue that the file wasn’t downloaded to your computer. When you clicked on ‘export’, nothing happened. This problem is now solved, so you can use this functionality again. Click here for more information about exporting. Search function players dashboard Partner Panel In the Partner Panel you can see on your dashboard which media players are connected to this Partner Panel. The search function that goes with this, didn’t work properly. It didn’t search when you used 1 or 2 characters for searchting and the dropdown didn’t show what it was filtered on. Now it works again how it should. Click here for more information about the Partner Panel. NHG thuisarts videos on screen The connection with NHG thuisarts didn’t work as it should and this resulted in videos not showing on screen. This issue is now resolved. Click here for more information about NHG thuisarts videos. Remembering information media player In the software there was an issue when a media player was moved from one account to another. It sometimes took the scheduled content of the old account with it. This resulted in wrong content showing on screen of the account who got the media player. It is now working correctly again. Dropdowns Creation Station subusers When creating templates as a subuser, you sometimes experienced problems with wrong information in dropdowns. There was a connection in the system which made this happen. The real options weren’t shown in the dropdown because of this. Now we made sure that the correct information is again visible in the dropdowns in the Creation Station for subusers. Click here for more information about the Creation Station. German calendar The calender overview wasn’t shown correctly in German accounts. The date was shown above a wrong day of the week. The days of the week are now correctly set for the corresponding dates. Click here for more information about the calendar overview.New features:
Attachments for support tickets From now on it is possible to add an attachment to support tickets! This way you can send a printscreen of something you see that is not correct in the system or something you have a question about. The Servicecenter can then also send you images of where you can find certain functionalities or other information. Click here for more information about support tickets.