How can I use tickertape?


Tickertape is a bar at the bottom of the screen or at the side of the screen that shows information. You can use tickertape for basically any information that always needs to be on screen all the time. The content of the tickertape is always displayed on top of the content that is playing on screen. We have different tickertapes, which display the information in different ways. You have the possibility to connect information from a RSS feed to the tickertape (the headlines will be displayed) or to fill in your own content in the tickertape (by using Happening). Read more about the different tickertapes that are available, here.


1. Go to the player you want the tickertape to connect to by clicking on [Players] and then [Player overview] in the left menu. Click on the RSS icon on the left of your player name.


2. Select the type of tickertape you want to use in the dropdown and fill in the required fields. For showing content of a RSS feed, you can fill in an url of a RSS feed. For showing your Happening messages in, you select the Happening you want to show content from. Read more about Happening and how to use it here.


3. Synchronize your player, by selecting the synchronize icon on the player management page. The tickertape will become active within 10 minutes.

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