Yes this is possible! This works differently when you use a media player than when you have a Samsung Smart Signage Display. Learn more about setting the on/off times for media players here. Learn more about setting the on/off times for a Samsung Smart Signage Display here.
How can I change the oriëntation of my hardware?
To learn more about the different oriëntations of the hardware, click here. 1. Go to [Players] and then [Player overview] in the left menu. Click on the player name of the player you want to change the oriëntation of. 2. Change the oriëntation by using the dropdown next to display direction. 3. When changing, you will […]
How do I change the name of my media player?
1. In the left menu you can choose [Players] and then [Player overview]. 2. Select the player you want to change. 3. Change the name by editing the field ‘name’. 4. Select [Save]. Make sure that the name you give to the player is clear and understandable, so you and we […]
Can I change the synchronization time of my hardware?
WHY IS A SYNCHRONIZATION NECESSARY? It is important that the automatic synchronization happens once a day, in order to collect the new content and to update the player. So when you have scheduled a playlist for the next day, it will start playing the next day, even when you haven’t synchronized […]
What disk space do I have on my hardware?
DETERMINE WHICH TYPE OF HARDWARE YOU HAVE The disk space varies per type of hardware, so you first need to know what type of hardware you have. You can check this when you click on [Players] and choose for the option [Player overview] in the left menu. In the column ‘type’ you […]
What does the status ‘ready for transcode’ mean in the clip library?
RENDERING OF CLIPS Once you’ve made a new clip or you edited an existing clip and select [Save], your clip will go through our clip generator. At this time it will be rendered into a video which can be displayed on screen. When being rendered, the clip gets a status, so you […]
What can I do in the clip library?
HOW DO I GET TO THE CLIP LIBRARY? Go to the clip library by selecting [Media] and [Clip Library] in the left menu. WHAT CAN I FIND IN THE CLIP LIBRARY? In the right upper corner you will find a few tabs. These are named: ‘Own’, ‘Formula’ (only for mainusers and subusers), ‘Newsroom’, ‘Other’ […]
What can I do in My Files?
HOW DO I GET TO MY FILES? Go to My Files by selecting [Media] in the menu bar on the left and then select [My Files]. WHAT CAN I DO IN MY FILES? Here you can find all the media that was uploaded by yourself and the mainuser. As well as the clips library, the section my […]
How can I share clips?
WHAT USERS CAN SHARE CLIPS? Mainusers and subusers within the same formula can share clips with each other. Clips can not be shared outside of the formula. Mainusers always have the possibility to share clips; for subusers this function must be activated first by Client Services. HOW TO SHARE CLIPS […]
How can I upload/manage media?
Your files is a component of the Media section. To learn more about the Media section, click here. UPLOADING MEDIA 1. When selecting [Upload Files] you can directly upload a file. You can choose in the drop down what kind of file you want to upload (image, PDF or video). 2. In the category dropdown you can […]