Playlists on result overview page for subusers
Before subusers would see all playlists that a mainuser and they themselves had created on the result overview page. However, not all of these playlists are scheduled on the subusers players. Now we made sure that only the playlists that are actually scheduled for the subuser are visible in the result overview. Click here for more information about the result overview page.Save as for subusers with clip approval
If a subusers has clip approval set, then they couldn’t use a ‘save as’ option in the Creation Station when creating a clip. This functionality is now built in and when using ‘save as’, the new created clip can be sent for approval. Click here to learn more about clip approval.Checkbox not saved in templates
With some templates there was an issue that when checking a checkbox in Creation Station when creating a template, it was not saved. So when you edited the template, you didn’t see the checkbox checked. We solved this issue. Click here for more information about the Creation Station.Show column names in player group options
If you have a lot of player group options in a player group and you edit a player group, then you couldn’t see the column names anymore if you scrolled down or to the right. We now locked the column names, so you can always see what player is set with what player group option. Click here to learn more about player groups.Synchronization notification in clip library
It happened that when you went to the clip library, a synchronization notification appeared on top of the screen. The clip library is now disconnected from the notification, so it won’t appear anymore when entering this page. Click here for more information about the clip library.Support tickets for Partner Panel
Before it wasn’t possible to send support tickets from the Partner Panel, because this menu item wasn’t available in this type of account. The menu is now added. If you click on your account name right on top, the menu item unfolds. For more information about the Partner Panel, click here.Double support tickets sent
If you click twice on the send button when creating a support ticket, then this was sent twice. We now built in that you can only click on the send button once. Click here to learn more about support tickets.Clicking on column results in wrong outcome
When double clicking on the column ‘name’ in the clip library, the clips were not ordered by name, but the same templates were shown on the second page as on the first page when you went to the second page. We solved this issue in the system, so now the clips are ordered by name if you click double on the column and you won’t see the same clips on the second page.Happening in Creation Station
When you check [use happening] in Creation Station, a dropdown opens with the Happenings that you have created. However, when you clicked on the text ‘use happening’ next to the checkbox, the dropdown wouldn’t open and you couldn’t select a Happening. We now made sure that you can only click on the checkbox and not on the text and that the dropdown always opens. Click here to learn more about Happening.Playlists not visible in calendar
When scheduling on multiple seperate data as mainuser or subuser for multiple months, this wasn’t shown correctly in the calendar overview. The problem has been found and solved, so it now always shows the playlists on the seperate data correctly in the calendar.New features:
Interface improvements
The interace has been improved for more userfriendliness. Among other things, buttons have been added on the dashboard and when creating a clip you can directly connect it to a playlist. For an overview of all changes, click here.
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