Where can I find branche related clips?

We have a variety of branche related clips. You can find them in the following categories:

Swimming pools. The clips in this category have a background of a swimming pool and room to put information about swim classes and such.
Soccer clubs. The clips in this category have a background with footballs and you can put information about different soccer team in these templates. There is also a possibility to connect information from soccer clubs through the KNVB widgets. Learn more about these by clicking here.
Basic practice. The clips in this category give the possibility to show the different doctor’s/dentists etc. with name and photo. There is also a possibility to show waiting times per doctor with the Waiting Time Information System. For more information about this, click here.
Animal hospitals. The clips in this category give the possibility to show a playfull background and give information about promotions.
Book shops. The clips in this category can show the image of a book cover with information about books and events in your book shop.

Find these categories on the new clip page. For more information about creating clips, click here. Are the clips not available for you in your account? Get them in your account for free by sending a message to the Servicecenter.

We also have clips in certain styles. You can use these in your playlists for a coherent program that shows on screen. Per style there are all kinds of templates with different functionalities, such as images, video’s and texts. The styles are:

Transparent style. This can be used in different types of branches. It is a basic style.
Healthcare style. This is made for the healthcare branche. You can find templates in this style for showing the doctors in your practice and the opening hours.
Corporate style. This is made for the corporate branche. The templates in this style have a professional look and feel to them.
Hipster style. This is made for the retail branche. It energizes and sells promotions.

Find these categories on the new clip page. For more information about creating clips, click here.

It is also possible to customize the templates in your own corporate identity for competitive prices! Read more about this here.

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