Clip library columns with different resolution
When you work on a laptop, you have a different screen resolution then if you work with a seperate screen. With a smaller resolution (laptop), the table on the clip library wasn’t displayed well; the name column was too small and you couldn’t see the name very clear. We now made sure the column is large enough with laptop resolution. Click here to learn more about clip library.Tickertape not transparant
When selecting transparant as color in the ‘Horizontal tickertape + image’ tickertape, it showed on screen as white. We fixed this, so you can now select transparant and it will also show transparant on screen. Click here to learn more about tickertape.Overwriting media files
When uploading a media file, editing it and then uploading a file with the same name, it didn’t show the new file but still the old file. The system will now always show the most recent document. Click here to learn more about My Files.Active playlist of removed player
When a player is removed from an account while it had a playlist scheduled, the playlist stayed active after removal of the player. It didn’t have a schedule so it should be deactivated automatically. From now on these playlist will get status deactivated after removal of a player which it is scheduled on.Preview playlist delayed
When viewing a preview of a playlist in the playlist section, it could take some time before it opened. We now made sure that the preview will open immediately and there is no delay.Screen on/off settings for subuser
When the subuser had gotten access to player settings, it still couldn’t set on/off times for its screen. We now made this option available if the subuser has access to player settings.Preview shown tilted
With the template ‘Slideshow’ from category ‘Portrait General’ the preview when watching it in the clip library was shown tilted. On screen it appeared correctly. We fixed in the system that it will show the preview upright instead of tilted from now on.Change playlist from date/time to play always schedule
When you set time and/or date settings for a playlist and then change it later to ‘play always and everywhere’, the system didn’t pick it up on the screen. It did show in the account that it was playing always and everywhere. The issue is resolved, so it will always play as scheduled.Scheduling on clip level
When you schedule a playlist, you can also schedule on clip level in the playlist. However, when this is done, your settings didn’t push through to the screen. We resolved the problem, so the scheduling put in the clip will also be how it appears on screen.Select standard color in clip
When creating a clip, you can select a standard color if you set one. However, when you only had one standard color set, you couldn’t select it in the Creation Station. We changed the dropdown, so you can now also select a standard color when you have only one. Click here to learn more about the Creation Station.Orden category column
When creating a playlist, on the right you have the clips you can add to your playlist. There are different columns displayed and the column ‘category’ couldn’t be ordened by clicking twice on it. The order stayed the same. We made the column interactive again, so you can order it the way you want.Cannot scroll through player group options in Firefox
There was an issue with scrolling through player group options if your mouse was located in the first column. In other browsers it did work as it was supposed to. Now it also works correctly for Firefox.Spinning synchronize button
Sometimes the synchronize all devices button showed a spinning icon after the devices were done synchronizing. We now made sure that the icon stops spinning when the synchronization of all devices is done.Edit button Happening
We now added an edit button to the right of every Happening message in the Happening section in your account. When clicking on this button, you can edit the text and image of the existing Happening and the changes will appear on screen right away.Search tool formula tab clip library
As a mainuser or subuser you have a tab ‘Formula’ in the clip library. Here you can see all the clips that have been shared with the whole formula. However, when you filled in a search term in the search tool, it didn’t give the correct results. This is now fixed.Preview in Creation Station loads slow
When you create a template, you can see on the right what the template will look like with the filled in content. When you are in the first step, this preview starts to load and this could take quite some while and when it was loading you couldn’t fill in information and you had to wait. We improved the loading of the preview, so it loads faster and you can go to next steps faster.See category when hovering over template name
In clip library you can now see to what category the clip belongs on new clip page. If you hover over the template name with your mouse, the name of the category appears.Title of clip displayed in Creation Station
When you create a clip, you give a name to the clip in the first step. When going to next steps, you cannot see this name in the Creation Station; you would have to go back to the first step in able to see it. Users would want to have the name they gave to the clip displayed in all steps, so when they create a lot of templates in a row they still know with what template they are working now. For this reason, we added that the name of the template is visible in every step in the Creation Station on top.New features:
Sharing clips in formula
It is now possible to share clips within a formula from subuser to another subuser and from subuser to mainuser. A user who has this option activated, can now in the clip library find an extra option to the right of every clip which says ‘share’. When selecting this, the user can choose from the list of users with which user this clip is shared. The user who gets it shared with, will see this clip in the tab ‘Formula’ in clip library. The clip can also be added to the ‘Own’ library, by selecting the option ‘Duplicate’ to the right of every formula clip. The clip will then automatically be added to the ‘Own’ tab and can be edited by the user. If the user does not have the original template which this clip is made from on the new clip page, then he will not be able to duplicate it. The option for sharing can be activated or deactivated by Client Services.
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