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Activate PowerBlock without start time
There was an error in the system which made a PowerBlock possible to activate without filling in a start time. It wouldn’t play if you saved this schedule without start time. We now changed that an error message is shown when a start time is not filled in. Click here for more information about PowerBlocks.
Save playlist with only date or time settings
With scheduling a playlist it was possible to schedule it only on a time or date without connecting a player or player group option. This way the system has no information on which devices it must be played. We built in a control that makes it impossible to activate a playlist without checking a player or player group option. Click here for more information about scheduling.
Search bar and dropdown overlapping
With creating a clip you can often upload an image. With this you can also choose to use an image from My Files. If you chose to do this and you were creating a widget, the search bar and the dropdown for categories were shown overlapped and you couldn’t use either of them. This is now solved, so they are standing apart from each other and can both be used.
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