We started a collaboration with a partner to introduce WCTV! Beautiful small protected screens can be placed on the public toilet of your location and show the content you want.Formule 1
Show the latest updates from Formula 1 races on your screen with a title, text and image. The latest update from the feed is automatically shown on screen.Healthcare
With this new category you can show your message with a clean and tight design. There are 9 widgets in this category. All colors are variable and you can use a color gradient in the title bar.Meetingroom new designs and options
We updated the Meetingroom widget with a new design and we added some options. You can pick one of the 4 designs via a dropdown when creating the widget. Then you can pick the colors for the different items in the widget, upload a logo, pick a background and use an overlay.JULY
This widget shows puzzles from Denksport. For example it shows different images of which you have to guess what they represent. It will show the answer after 10 seconds. Every month a new puzzle is added to the widget and you can choose which one you want to show with a dropdown in the widget.Quiztime
It will automatically show different questions with 4 possible answers. The bar will fill up and after that the correct answer is shown. You can make it show in a serie of colors. It roulates 100 questions.Your Own Brand Style
With this new widget category you have 11 widgets with a corporate look and feel. You can set the colors for every part of the widget (text, background, etc.),Victorious
This new widget category contains 14 widgets with a new design. You can set your brand colors in your account and automatically these colors will appear in the widgets when you create them.JUNE
Meetingroom Image/Video
The screen is divided in two parts; on top the appointments in the connected agenda and at the bottom a video that you upload yourself. With this split screen widget you can show entertainment next to information!
Tickertape (small bar below) News/twitter/own message
This tickertape is now available in your account in the player settings. With this tickertape you can show:
– Newsitems via and URL
– Tweets from a Twitter account (multiple accounts and multiple tweets per account)
– Maximum of 5 of your own typed in messages
You can also set the tickertape text in 2 different sizes with variable durations and colors.
Pyber is a program for real estate agents. If you have a subscription for this program, we can make the content show on screen for you.
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