Rights management: Clips for mainusers and subusers

The mainuser decides which templates are available for the subuser. The subuser only has access to the templates assigned by the mainuser, other templates aren’t visible and can’t be used by the subuser. Read more about subusers and assigning templates here. The mainuser can create clips that can be seen and used […]

Can I show my PowerPoint presentation on screen?

Yes this is possible! First it has to be converted to a video and this video can be uploaded through a fullscreen video clip. Then this clip can be added to a playlist and scheduled on screen. Create your PowerPoint presentation. Save your presentation. Export the file through ‘file’ and […]

Can I show video’s from YouTube on screen?

Yes this is possible! First you need to download the video from YouTube and then it can be loaded into our fullscreen video clip. To download a video from YouTube, search on internet for a YouTube converter and convert the video to MP4.   UPLOAD IT INTO THE NARROWCASTING SYSTEM You […]