By default, our players and screens are set to full screen mode, which shows the programmed clips fullscreen. However, we also offer the possibility to set different screen regions, which gives you more possibilities. With set screen regions, you can show your clips on one part of the screen and other information, such as tickertape and the weather, on a different part.
We at this time have three screen regions:
– Waiting Time Information System
– Screen region with video to the right
– Queuing Management System
Waiting Time Information System
This screen region can be used when you have a practise where clients have appointments and where the appointments can be delayed. With this screen region you can show how long an appointment is delayed, so the client in the waiting room is informed. Next to the delayed appointments, also a digital clock and a the content of a RSS feed are displayed. Next to this, you are able to program clips, which will show next to the other elements in a selected part of the screen on the left. We can customize this screen region for your company, or you can use the ‘Waiting time information system Quickedit custom color’, where you can choose the color of the background yourself.
Screen region with video to the right
This screen region shows time, date, local traffic information (if there is no traffic, the weather forecast will be displayed) on the left with below a tickertape and to the right you can program a template of your choice. You can fill in the city for the traffic information and weather forecast that is shown and you can fill in the RSS where the tickertape should show information from. It is also possible we set a logo for you on the right top.
Queuing management system
This screen region is for clients who have a connection with a queuing management system of Comsysco, Qmatic or Apotheek Partners. With this screen region you show who is next in turn at what desk. When an employee pushes a button for the next client, a pop-up appears on screen with who is in turn next. This is accompanied by a sound. There are two versions: one where the numbers with the corresponding desk are shown on the right and one where the numbers and desks are on the left. In the space that is left, regular scheduled content is shown. Comsysco and Qmatic sort on number (latest number+desk), Apotheek Partners sort on desk (desk+latest number).
If you would like to make use of one of these screen regions, please contact Client Services. They will set the required settings in your device and the new screen region will be activated. You will receive a message that the screen region is set. After this you can fill in the information for the Waiting Time Information System and/or tickertape etc. This can by following the next steps:
1. Go to the player that the has the screen region set, by selecting [Player] and then [Player Overview] in the left menu.
2. Select the RSS icon on the left of the player name. You get directed to the page where the screen region can be filled in.
3. Fill in the required fields.
4. Select [Save].
5. Create and schedule a playlist with templates for this player. For more information how to create and then schedule a playlist, click here.
6. To get the screen region active on your screen, synchronize the player by going back to [Player Overview] and selecting the synchronize icon on the right of the player name. It will take 10 minutes before the screen region appears on screen.
For the Waiting Time Information System, you can change the waiting times constantly through these settings. Want to easily update the waiting times? Click here for more information about QuickEdit.
The remaining space can be filled with a clip of your choice. You can only schedule templates from some categories. They will adjust to the smaller space compared to the fullscreen modus. The templates of these categories can be used:
– Your Own Media. (not fullscreen video and website widget).
– Basic Style
– Transparent Style
– Corporate Style
– Healthcare Style
– Hipster Style
– Classic.
– Seasonal Themes
– Video Magazines
– Widgets for screen region with video to the left
– Widgets for Waiting Time Information System (video to the right)
NOTE: The screen layout can only be activated on landscape set players.